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Teens 3 | Link it 2A - student book & workbook (with practice kit & video)

Link It! is a six-level course connecting students with the grammar, vocabulary, and skills they need to communicate with confidence and succeed in English.

Listar preço R$ 180,00

Teens 3 | Link it 2A - student book & workbook (with practice kit & video)

Link It! is a six-level course connecting students with the grammar, vocabulary, and skills they need to communicate with confidence and succeed in English.

Listar preço R$ 180,00

Quantidade em
estoque: 52

Formas de Pagamento
  • Boleto Bancário
    Parcela única, à vista
  • Cartão de Crédito
    Parcelado em até
    com cartão Mastercard ou Visa.

Teens 3 | Link it 2A - student book & workbook (with practice kit & video)

Loja 100% segura
Listar preço R$ 180,00

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Formas de Pagamento
  • Cartão de Crédito '
    Parcelamento em até 3 vezes sem
    com Mastercard ou Visa
Formas de Pagamento
  • Cartão de Crédito
    Parcelado em até
    com cartão Mastercard ou Visa.

Ficha Técnica:

ISBN: 9780194824538

Edição: 1.a EDIÇÃO

Área: Idiomas

Número de páginas: 56

Idioma: Português

Data de lançamento: 22/06/2021

Tamanho: 21 x 29,5


Link It! is a six-level course connecting students with the grammar,
vocabulary, and skills they need to communicate with confidence and
succeed in English. The Student Pack A includes the Student Book,
Workbook, and Practice Kit, and covers units 1 to 4. The Student Book
builds all four skills, grammar, and vocabulary as well as communication
competences with Let s talk about... lessons and videos that model real
English. The Workbook provides plenty of extra practice of the unit
vocabulary, grammar and communication, as well as overall revision and
exam practice. With Practice Kit, students have access to interactive
activities, media-rich content, and the ability to track their progress.


  • Link It! is a six-level course connecting students with the grammar, vocabulary, and skills they need to communicate with confidence and succeed in English. The Student Pack A includes the Student Book, Workbook, and Practice Kit, and covers units 1 to 4. The Student Book builds all four skills, grammar, and vocabulary as well as communication competences with Let s talk about... lessons and videos that model real English. The Workbook provides plenty of extra practice of the unit vocabulary, grammar and communication, as well as overall revision and exam practice. With Practice Kit, students have access to interactive activities, media-rich content, and the ability to track their progress.

    Ficha Técnica:

    ISBN: 9780194824538

    Edição: 1.a EDIÇÃO

    Área: Idiomas

    Número de páginas: 56

    Idioma: Português

    Data de lançamento: 22/06/2021

    Tamanho: 21 x 29,5

    Editora(s): EDITORA IDIOMA

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